Monday, 12 October 2009

How to follow a trend without being too obvious

This is a big question, so, how do you pull it off? being naturally in tune with current trends is almost a mindset, something some individuals seem to be able to do without even thinking about it, however, others find it hard to be trendy without screaming it from the rooftops. I mean, the very essence of fashion and cool, is being different, being a leader not a follower, being an outcast, if you like.

The current trend for example in hats would be without a shadow of a doubt, the porkpie and bowler hats, although, looking at what the high street has to offer, which is so generic and low quality, that in my opinion it no longer becomes a trend, it becomes boring, almost just a token tribute. I see this time and time again with not only hats but clothing in general.

So, how do you beat this stigma? how do you lead? The answer is simple and lies with some of the great designers and brands out there that now more than ever, are offering us a choice. Take a look at our hats coming under the category of Trilby & Porkpie or click the title to see this page, what we have here is a vast array of porkpies all with subtle differences, some have a feather, some have a telescope crown, others have a diamond crown and so on, there are various colours, various size brims, some are made solid and others are made crushable. Now, take a look at our Bailey Derby the bowler hat, not quite the Thompson twins is it, for starters, it's brown and it has a feather, how cool is that?

So, in conclusion having a choice of hats with these subtle differences and picking one that suits you is the way forward, I guarantee (and I talk from personal experience) that when you put on one of these hats and go out, whether it's to the office or out and about at night, you will get big love and positive comments, you will feel a million dollars and in essence you will no longer be a follower, you will be a leader.

So there you have it,

Outcast hats, cures any bad hair day!

By Paul De Nagy

Friday, 2 October 2009

Bailey Porkpie and Bowler hats just in.


We have just taken delivery of this seasons Bailey Porkpie and Bowler hats, all hand-picked by us. We are so excited about these hats as they really are things of beauty, the porkpie Fur Classic with it's classic styling and smooth feel and the Bailey Derby smooth finish Bowler hat is the one that surprised us all, we all know that Bowlers are very much the trend at the moment but the mere mention of a bowler in general conversation stirs thoughts of the Thompson twins in Tintin and so on.. HOWEVER, we got them in brown, they have a sexy little feather in the side and when you put this hat on it feels sooooooo right. Othe styles include the silko, the Darron and the Jamison all beautifuly styled and all offering a different spin on the classic porkpie. Check them all out, right here, only we would bring these sexy little numbers to you, for your enjoyment.

Paul De Nagy